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Easy Tiger – 4 Hiring Questions That'll Save You Money.


Growing a team is exciting. But the path to achieve it is rarely straightforward.

It’s easy (and common) for businesses to spend hours or even days heading in the right direction. But are the inevitable headaches and heartaches avoidable?

As part of our Recruit, Retain and Grow Playbook, we’ve identified four (okay, more like 17) questions businesses can ask themselves at the start of a hiring process to maximise their chances of success.

1. Why do we need someone?

What impact do we need them to make? Is going to market and freeing up our team’s time to interview and assess candidates worth the time, energy and cost? Do we have a clear remit defined for the successful candidate to run with?

You'd be surprised how many job ads get pulled without the role being filled. Lots can influence that decision but the more robust your business case for hiring, the less time and effort will be wasted.

2. Can we promote from within?

Is there someone with the potential to step up (or across) into the new role? Could they save us the cost of recruiting someone at the level you need? Do they need training to progress or could they learn on the job?

While it's always good to cast your net far and wide, the answer can often be found closer to home. Current employees who know the business inside-out, are already making an impact and understand the processes are always worth considering. It could save you a lot of time, effort and money.

3. Does the type of person we need exist?

Are we looking for a unicorn? How well do we know the market in our location? Have we designed this role based on what’s out there in the market or just what we need? How confident are we of finding who you need?

Nothing wastes a company's time more than looking for something that doesn't exist. By all means be ambitious. By all means scour the market for the right talent. But sometimes a dose of realism can keep your recruitment activity efficient and effective.

4. Can we attract them?

How realistic is it to expect the ideal candidate to leave their current role for ours? How strong is our proposition and package? What do you offer besides financial remuneration and how appealing is that to candidates?

We've yet to meet a business leader who doesn't believe their company and culture is appealing. They're rightly proud of what they're building. But benchmarking what you can offer against others is a valuable exercise. Candidates don't share your passion for the business (yet) and it'll take a strong proposition to convince them.


So, how efficient is your hiring process? Are you jumping into the market too soon?

We've created a free playbook packed with tips for improving your recruitment and retention processes and achieving better results. Download it today.


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