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Raina Writes: 5 ways to boost employee mood and performance


According to a study by Oxford University, happy workers are 13% more productive. Which obviously has a big impact on company performance.

So, we all know positivity is good for business. But what boosts moods across a workforce? What gets people into the office and ready to make an impact?

Here are 5 ways companies can boost mood and performance:

1. Recognition

Employees are 2.7 times more likely to be highly engaged if they believe they will be recognised for their contribution. From a sincere ‘thank you’ to a tangible reward, acknowledging achievement and contribution makes people feel valued, which increases engagement, mood and performance.

2. Communication

63% of workers said poor communication gets in the way of their job and was a reason to quit (Dynamic Signal). In busy organisations, communication protocols can slip and demoralise once motivated teams. Regular, open, grown-up conversations helps them feel like their goals are achievable.

3. Leadership

Managers account for up to 70% variance in employee engagement (Gallup). How someone is treated and supported has a huge impact on how they feel about their work. Communication and recognition form part of that but it’s also about empathy, compassion and trust.

4. Money

Tied to recognition but significant enough to warrant its own section is financial renumeration. Money is the main reason (51%) people look for a new job (Investors in People). Everyone wants to maximise their earnings, feel valued and know their pay is fair in relation to their contribution.

5. Purpose

Highly engaged teams are 21% more productive. People feel engaged in a cause if they believe in and can directly see how their work makes a difference. And more engagement leads to better performance.

Every business has constraints that make it difficult to focus or invest money into this area. But there’s no escaping the fact that a happy workforce is an essential part of a successful one.



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