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Raina Writes: 5 Things I've learned from in-house recruitment


Before starting ReCulture, I had an idea.

What if we could bring together the best bits of recruitment agencies and in-house teams?

I’d worked in both. I knew the strengths and weaknesses of both. It was time both to shape something new.

Nothing could’ve prepared me for the next five years, of course. I learn something new every day!

But several key takeaways from my time in-house remain useful. They've influenced and been integrated into ReCulture’s approach. How we do what we do owes a lot to those experiences.

So, what are they?

There are too many takeaways to list in full here. But here are 5 I think are worth sharing:

1. Hiring processes reflect the wider culture

Fast, slow, pressurised, people-first, results-driven… whatever qualities and challenges a business has will inevitably impact recruitment. The best hiring leans into what the culture is, rather than against it.

2. Agencies have a role to play

Yeah, yeah, I know. Agency promotes agencies. Shock, horror. But from an in-house perspective there are things that are hard to do. From accessing a massive network to avoiding distractions. Agencies are focused and fast.

3. It’s about the bigger picture

Or in other words, it’s not just about the role or plugging a gap. In-house teams get this instinctively because they’re part of it too. Agencies should work harder to see the bigger picture because it leads to better hires.

4. Mis-hires are demoralising

It goes without saying that a bad hire gets you down. But it’s a different kind of impact when you’ve owned the entire hiring process and someone hasn’t worked out. Wasted time. Scrutiny. Starting again. All of it reinforces the need to design, commit to and evolve a process you believe in.

5. After-care is worth the effort

A good hire – and even a sound hiring process – quickly becomes a costly mistake without follow-through. How a successful applicant is treated, onboarded, trained, supported, managed and heard – from their point of appointment to the day they leave – is what makes a good hire a great one.

I’ll probably share more another time. But hopefully these takeaways are useful in how you approach your hiring needs.



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