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Raina Writes: 5 benefits of fostering a positive culture


I’m a positive person and always try to find the upside of any situation.

I think it puts me in the right frame of mind to find solutions.

I’m also a big believer in the value of positivity in the workplace.

But for a number of reasons, it can be hard to maintain an upbeat culture… rapid growth, bad hires, products that are hard to believe in, misaligned expectations, inconsistency, etc.

But get it right and there are a lot of benefits to be gained. Such as…

1. Getting more done

Makes sense, right? Positivity means more engagement, more motivation and more work getting done. All of which leads to faster progress.

2. Collaborating effectively

Happy teams work well together. They’re more willing to share ideas, responsibility and feedback.

3. A sense of belonging

If people are positive, it means they feel part of the team. And, most importantly, they feel comfortable being themselves.

4. Fewer complaints

Nothing eats up a manager’s time like dealing with negativity and complaints. A positive culture means less conflict and more constructive discussions. And more time for productive activity.

5. Increased loyalty

If people feel positively towards the company, they stay longer, commit to the cause and actively help you strengthen the culture. This saves you money when hiring and ensures continuity.

How positive is your culture? And are you seeing the benefit?



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