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Raina Writes: 5 ways to get the most out of your agencies


Recruitment agencies cop a lot of flak.

For the company's that use them, they're often viewed as a necessary evil. While 'strictly no agencies' has become the mantra of those who've been burned before.

Among the reasons... cost, inconsistent quality, poor communication, negative candidate experiences and a lack of control.

But as I mentioned last week, agencies have their place.

Attracting and identifying the right people remains a challenge for most companies. Even for those with a strong employer brand, managing a hiring process can feel like a slog.

Agencies can make hiring easier, faster and more successful. But only if you know how to use them.

So here are my 5 tips for making the relationship work for you...

1. Know exactly why you're going to market. A wooly brief leads to wooly results. So the clearer you are before you engage an agency, the more focused they'll be when representing you in the market. A good hiring process starts before the search.

2. Spend more time at the briefing stage. Most companies need roles filled quickly, which often leads to a 5-minute 'here's the JD, get on with it' brief. But a longer, deeper, two-way conversation will help your agency understand the nuances of your role, requirements and culture. All of which will improve quality.

3. Be open to being challenged. Agencies know recruitment. They know the market and they often know what leads to a long-term, impactful hire. So don't just tell them what you want. Welcome their input and ideas. Invite them to ask questions. Stay open-minded and they could end up saving you money.

4. Give feedback. Feed your experiences of working with an agency back to them. Help them to deliver the service you (and probably others in the same boat) need. Feed back the experiences of candidates and new hires too. Positive or negative, it can all lead to improvements that benefit you next time.

5. Demand more from them. A good client-agency relationship is one where the latter feels like an extension of the former's team. They don't just bring CVs. They help take the stress, time and uncertainty out of the hiring process. Whatever parts of the process you're struggling with, ask them for help. The best will be happy to offer their support.

Good luck!



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