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One Week. Two Events. Eight Takeaways.


Events are a great way to expand your network, share ideas and learn from others. Not to mention strengthen the region’s business community. As the founder of two north west businesses, ReCulture and SupplyWell, Raina Heverin is often asked to share her thoughts and experiences to help others. Here are some key insights from recent events.

Earlier this month, ReCulture took part in two events discussing topics close to our hearts.

The first was for the brilliant Baltic Ventures and its Tuesday Tech Founders sessions. We were invited to discuss the importance of values in recruitment, onboarding and culture for some of the region’s most exciting and innovative startups.

The second, a panel discussion and networking event for the fantastic Female Founders Rise, founded by exited entrepreneur Emmie Faust. Back at Baltic Ventures HQ, we joined fellow founders in exploring a range of important topics that relate to being a female leader.

We thought it might be nice to share some of the key takeaways from the two events. It’s worth noting, the first session was put together by us. The second session was a panel discussion featuring LinkedIn expert and entrepreneur Lea Turner, Fabric CEO Lisa Eaton and our very own Raina Heverin. 

Key Takeaways

Baltic Ventures Tech Founders Session 

1. Culture is what employees think, feel and say it is. That’s shaped by experiences. Which are shaped by decisions, actions and behaviour. Which are shaped by the values of the organisation and the people they work with.

2. Recruitment and onboarding aren’t just processes; they’re opportunities to hire people who align with your values, make them feel part of something meaningful and give them the clarity and focus to make an impact.

3. Use your values to design unique candidate interviews and assessments. From behavioural questions and tasks to secret assessments, tailor it to your business. Make it all about finding people whose values align.

4. Onboarding should begin the moment someone says ‘yes’ to the job offer. They’ll never be as excited about the opportunity as they are at that moment. This is your chance to build on that enthusiasm.

Female Founders Rise Panel

5. Don’t overlook the power of community and networking. Building a network of amazing people is super helpful when launching business and raising funds. For every challenge you face, there’s a host of people who’ve either been through it or are going through it. 

6. Surround yourself with people who lift you up. They’ll help you to silence the self-doubt and feel confident about the future. But make sure they’re also people who can give you the honest truth.

7. Carve out time for yourself too. Whether it’s exercise, painting, art, gigs, reading or anything else you’re into. Doing something for yourself is vital to avoid burnout and feel in control of your life. 

8. The ecosystem of women doing amazing things in business already exists. Female-founded and -led businesses are on the rise. Women in the UK established over 150,000 new companies – more than twice as many as in 2018.

If you'd like to know more about these two organisations and their upcoming events, visit Baltic Ventures or Female Founders Rise on LinkedIn.


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