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Raina Writes: Adapting to each other's differences


According to recent statistics, 15-20% of the population are neurodivergent.

Working in a people-focused field, I've seen awareness around autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia and other learning disabilities grow and grow. Particularly as more and more people gain diagnosis of their conditions.

One of the upsides of that awareness is the general improvement in how we talk about these conditions, the people who have them and the different ways they think and act. Workplaces are far more empathetic and respectful of people's differences than they were a decade ago.

There's also been plenty of talk about the stereotypical 'super-powers' these conditions might offer, from increased analytical thinking to high-energy to creative thinking.

But as someone recently diagnosed with ADHD, I can confidently say there are more challenges than there are advantages. These conditions affect people in loads of different and unusual ways.

Which is why it’s so important for organisations to be flexible. I believe it's up to all of us to build companies that can adapt to the individual needs of employees and candidates.

We're often taught the right thing is to look past someone's differences to see what they can bring to a role. But I think it’s far more helpful – for everyone – if we can work to understand, consider and ultimately adapt to people’s differences.

I'd love to know your experiences and how you're approaching neurodivergence and difference in general within your company.



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